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e-Bulletin - Parlez
Association of Secretaries General of ParliamentsASGP

About Parlez


Relations with the IPU

Anders Forsberg, President of the ASGP, was appointed to the IPU working group which met on the 17th and 18th of July in Geneva to discuss the IPU reform process.  A copy of the working group’s conclusions and a letter from the President of the IPU to Anders Forsberg are set out below. The working group made two important decisions about cooperation between the IPU and the ASGP:

  • Cooperation with the ASGP should be strengthened, for example by enlisting the support of Secretaries General of Parliaments in ensuring that relevant parliamentary committees are aware of and, where possible, participate in the work of specialized meetings held with the United Nations; and
  • The ASGP could also organise panel discussions and workshops for members of Parliament attending the first IPU Assembly (i.e. the spring session) on matters relating to democracy and the functioning of Parliaments.



First meeting of Secretaries General of West African Parliaments
Notes on the first meeting of Secretaries-General/Clerks of West African Parliaments, 25-27 April 2005, Abuja , Federal Republic of Nigeria




ASGP, Manila 2005
Senator Sergio Páez, President of the IPU, and Mr Martin Chungong , Director of the Division for the Promotion of Democracy in the IPU secretariat, addressed the ASGP meeting in Manila.

As tall as Hermann

As tall as Hermann
As a follow-up to a recent questionnaire and discussions on promoting the work of parliament, Heiki Sibul, the Secretary General of the Estonian parliament, provides his perspective on the challenges that parliaments face in better connecting with the public.


Raising Parliamentary awareness

Raising parliamentary awareness
Over the last year ASGP President, Ian Harris, has had the most enjoyable opportunity to assist in programs designed to raise the parliamentary awareness of Members of Parliament and staff serving legislatures.


Palais du Luxembourg, where the French Senate meets

Celebrating the anniversary of women's suffrage in France
As part of the events organised for the 60 th anniversary of the liberation of France (from June 3 rd to May 21 st 2005), the Senate and its President have taken the initiative of according particular importance to the anniversary of women's suffrage, which first took place in spring 1945.


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Page Last Updated: 25 July, 2006
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